Who We Are
Total I.T. Solutions Group is driven by a strong corporate culture that stems from, and feeds back into, every individual in the company. Built on over 20 years of I.T. experience, everything we do is based on our five core values that define who we are, how we perform and what we aspire to: TeamWork, Integrity, Quality, Agility, & Innovation.
What We Do Best
TISG is committed to providing leadership to enable our clients to excel in the use of technology and information resources to enhance their organization and improve service and productivity. We strive to do so through the continuing development of a culture of service, a rich information environment, and leadership in technology applications.
Our Core Values
We have a strong company spirit, and although not afraid of having fun, we take our work very seriously. We care for and greatly respect each individual on the team, whether on an internal project or as part of a larger client project.
We take pride in our work and it shows. Whether within ourselves, in the way we conduct business, interact with clients, work with our partners or develop solutions, we carry a strong work ethic and a conviction that things have to be done the right way.
Quality is at the center of everything we do and we set the highest quality standards for ourselves, and continuously measure how we stack up against these goals. We create the business processes required to ensure quality is built into the core of our services and not just talk.
With our love of change, we are continuously adjusting to the new challenges we face everyday. Whether this means restructuring to better meet our client’s needs, embracing new technologies or re-engineering our business processes, we are convinced that there is always a better way, and we are constantly looking for it. We don’t fear change, we embrace it.
We are convinced that innovation is the key to business excellence. We are highly regarded as a creative problem solver able to think laterally, that is, ‘outside the box’. We are able to apply this creative force to everything we do, whether it is designing a solution to your business problem, finding a new way to structure a team or looking for a better way to deliver a project.